Eyles McGough Limited

Eyles McGough Limited

Our expertise includes the preparation of market valuation reports

About US

Our expertise includes the preparation of market valuation reports, market rental assessments, building and infrastructure insurance, compensation, unit entitlements and assets valuations for accounting purposes and portfolio analysis.

We can undertake analysis of proposed and existing lease documents, advise on interpretation and can recommend suitable process or action as appropriate or required.

Recommendations and commentaries beyond usual valuation reporting can be provided to the intent that the client obtains not only the expected response but also guidance regarding process and advice of potential to add or save value.

We have the experience, database and personnel to ensure the production of high quality work at competitive fee levels within a low overhead structure.

A wealth of experience in arbitration matters accumulated over many years has led to our long history of appointments as sole arbitrators, arbitrators, umpires and expert witnesses.

The offices of Eyles McGough Limited are located in central Auckland. Our extensive database and modern systems enable us to provide competent, well informed, timely and independent advice.

If you require valuation, consultancy or property advisory work undertaken by a highly experienced team of Registered Valuers or if you simply wish to discuss the services we can provide in detail, then please call us.


Eyles McGough Limited
Directors of Eyles McGough Limited

  • Robert Yarnton, ANZIV, SPINZ
  • Roger Ganley, ANZIV, SPINZ
Eyles McGough Limited

  • Bruce Cork, ANZIV, SPINZ
  • Russell Eyles, FNZIV, FPINZ
  • Dan McAuliffe, ANZIV, SPINZ


Purpose of Valuation :

Eyles McGough Limited and the client hereby agree that Eyles McGough Limited will provide consultancy or valuation services in respect of the property outlined above subject to the following general terms and conditions.

  • In accordance with our policies, valuation services or consultancy will be provided solely for the purpose as described and for the use of the Client or Clients as named. We do not take or accept responsibility to any other party in respect of these services.
  • Valuation and consultancy services are provided on the basis that the client has provided us with a full and frank disclosure of all information and other facts which may affect the valuation. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the valuation unless such a full disclosure has been made.
  • Neither the whole nor any part of any valuation and consultancy report, or any reference to the same, may be included in any published document, circular or statement without our written approval as to the form and context in which it may appear.
  • Professional fees for the provision of valuation or consultancy services shall include all time spent on the assignment, whether at the Client's premises, the property or elsewhere. We reserve the right to submit interim invoices for such services where it is considered necessary to do so. All disbursements including travelling and other reasonable expenses incurred by us in the provision of the valuation or consultancy services shall be fully recoverable from the Client as and when incurred. All fees and instalments are payable within fourteen (14) days of invoicing.
  • Unless stated otherwise all reports prepared by us in the provision of valuation or consultancy services, will be written for the stated purport to be suitably qualified to provide professional advice in respect of structural integrity of the building or site contamination.purpose alone. We do not purport to provide a site or structural survey in respect of the property to be valued and do not.
  • Our fee for provision of valuation or consultancy services as detailed is $-----.00 per hour plus GST.
  • Our quotation or estimate for the provision of valuation &/or consultancy services as detailed, is valid for ten (10) working days from the date of this correspondence.
  • All opinions of value expressed by Eyles McGough Limited or its employees are (or are deemed to be) subject to our statements of valuation policy comprised within our report.
Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited