Eyles McGough Limited

Eyles McGough Limited

Our expertise includes the preparation of market valuation reports


Eyles McGough Limited is an independent company of Registered Valuers covering a full range of Market Valuations, Consultancy and Advisory work in relation to urban property.

We undertake Commercial, Retail, Industrial and Residential Valuations for purchase or disposal, Mortgage purposes, Rental Assessments, Reinstatement Insurance Assessments, Ground Rental Assessments, Compensation Assessments and Asset Valuations for accounting purposes.

Our firm is primarily focused on the Auckland region but many of our clients have property interests throughout New Zealand and we can personally undertake or engage suitable personnel out of a selected network of property professionals. We can organise and co-ordinate engagement, preparation and presentation of valuations and consultancy reporting as to individual projects or portfolios of any size.

Eyles McGough Limited was established in 2000 following the merger of two well established Auckland practices.

Eyles McGough Limited
Rental Assessments
Current Market
Eyles McGough Limited
Current Market
Eyles McGough Limited
Directors of Eyles McGough Limited

  • Robert Yarnton, ANZIV, SPINZ
  • Roger Ganley, ANZIV, SPINZ
Eyles McGough Limited

  • Bruce Cork, ANZIV, SPINZ
  • Russell Eyles, FNZIV, FPINZ
  • Dan McAuliffe, ANZIV, SPINZ


Eyles McGough Limited
Eyles McGough Limited
Eyles McGough Limited
Eyles McGough Limited
Eyles McGough Limited
Eyles McGough Limited


Eyles McGough Limited and the client hereby agree that Eyles McGough Limited will provide consultancy or valuation services in respect of the property outlined above subject to the following general terms and conditions.


Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited Eyles McGough Limited